Who is nutrition advice and support for?
This program is for people who need guidance maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are a wide range of reasons that you might benefit from seeing a dietitian which can include:
- Chronic disease management (such as diabetes and cancer)
- Significant weight change
- Poor food intake, low appetite or difficulty preparing, understanding or eating food
- Medication changes
- Bariatric surgery
- Allergies and intolerances
Our team will provide expert advice to help you manage your diet and reach your wellbeing goals.
How do I access?
We currently off three types of dietetic services:
- Commercial fee-for-service appointments in our Bathurst and Dubbo offices – no GP referral is needed, however you may be eligible for a Medicare rebate if you have a GP Management Plan and Team Care arrangement in place with your GP
- Fully funded services for First Nations people
- In Bathurst through the Indigenous Chronic Disease clinic
- In Coonamble, Dubbo and Wellington through the Aboriginal Medical Services. Contact AMS directly for an appointment.
- Fully funded services for community members living with two or more chronic health conditions through the following GP practices
- RFDS Gilgandra Medical Service
- Kandos Family Medical Practice
- Narromine Shire Family Health Service
- Oberon Medical Centre
- Trangie Family Medical Service
- Contact practice directly for appointments.
- Through the NDIS if funding for dietetics is required as part of your NDIS plan
Find out more
Fully funded Diabetes Education/Nutrition services are commissioned by the Rural Doctors Network (RDN) Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Disease Program and Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSWPHN) Keeping Healthy Puura Manti Program and funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.
Privacy PolicyPage last updated: 8 January 2024